立冬 beginning of winter,是二十四节气之第十九个节气,也是冬季的起始。它是中国民间非常重视的季节节点之一,春耕夏耘、秋收冬藏,冬季是享受丰收、休养生息的季节。立冬在古代社会也是“四时八节”之一,是个非常重要的节日,在中国部分地区有祭祖、饮宴等习俗。
Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, and Julio José Prado, Minister for Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries of Ecuador, recently signed the Memorandum of Understanding of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry for Production, Foreign Tra...
Bangladesh, the letter of credit policy has the latest adjustment!
According to Bangladesh’s “Daily Sun” report on February 8, the Bangladesh Congress approved in principle the new “Import Policy Regulations (2021-24)”. The regulation stipulates that Bangladeshi reta...
With the acceleration of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, digital transformation has become an important trend in global agricultural development. From a practical point of view, the proportion of the digital economy in the added value of agriculture has stea...
AnYou Industry wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2022!
les desea una feliz navidad y un venturoso 2022!
May this season be full of light and laughter for you and your family.
The acceleration of land circulation has brought new opportunities for the development of water-saving irrigation. The increase in labor prices and the shortage of water for agricultural irrigation have given wider attention to the advantages of water-saving irrigation, labor-saving and water-s...
盛世华诞 举国同庆
愿山河无恙 祖国繁荣昌盛
Happy National day, National Day holiday is 7 days(1/10/2021 to 7/10/2021), orders are accepted, can not deliver goods.
Who knew that so many common irrigation items had so many names depending on where you live!
Micro spray tube
Spray tube
Rain hose
Rain spray hose
Micro spray tape
Micro spray hose
Rain spray hose
Micro spray irrigation
* What do you cal it?
Drip tape
Flat emitter drip t...
On July 13, the Agriculture Theme Forum of the Guiyang International Forum on Ecological Civilization 2021, with the theme of “Wisdom Helps Agricultural Innovation, Green Leans the Industrial Future”, was held in Guizhou. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Chief Veterinary Off...
Dear customers and friends:
Hello, it’s another year for the New Year to come, bid farewell to 2020, and usher in a 2021 full of hopes, opportunities and challenges! Thank you very much for your strong support to our company in 2020. As the Spring Festival of 2021 is approaching, all employ...