Use of rain gun for coffee plantations

coffee irrigation

These rain guns can be comfortably placed on the pathways leading to various blocks and need not be placed inside the blocks. The advantage is that the throw of water reaches the other block, there by eliminating the need of carrying these heavy sprinklers inside the coffee estate. This also reduces the physical damage to the sensitive coffee bush.

Newly opened plantations need to be frequently irrigated during dry months. It is crucial that the amount of sprinkler irrigation should not create water logging conditions in the field because the young seedlings are highly susceptible to excess moisture. As such the duration of sprinkling should be regulated and the intervals between irrigation schedules maintained such that the young plants and introduced tree saplings are provided with the right amount of moisture to carry on their physiological activities. Young plants are also prone to leaf damage if the water droplet size is big.

In the course of technical progress, every possible saving on labour by the use of efficient sprinkler systems has become an obvious necessity on account of the ever increasing cost of labour. Also due to the fact that men labourers are difficult to find during the sprinkler season, it is more appropriate to find ways and means of alternate technology that reduces the requirement of labour. A single rain gun can cover almost 2 acres, there by eliminating the laying of hundreds of lateral lines and jets.

The key factor when using rain guns in shade grown ecofriendly coffee plantations is that the area around the gun measuring 25 feet radius should be free from any obstructions like trees or shrubs. The raiser pipe should be at least 15 feet long in blocks with tree population of more than 100 trees per acre, for uniform distribution of water.

Advantages of rain guns for coffee plantations:
1. Saves on Labour, Water
2. Saves Time - Large quantities of water is spread in very less time
3. Easy Installation
4. Provides a uniform distribution of rain fall
5. Even spread of moisture
6. Almost negligible maintenance cost
7. Cost effective- High ROI
8. Part Circle/ Full Circle rotation facility

Post time: 28-03-2019
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