Causes and solutions of plugging of drip irrigation

1. Inorganic impurities in water
Vegetable greenhouses use drip irrigation, most of the water is well water. It is understood that the emergence of high-flow manhole rate, and some wells in the use of a period of time after the situation will be quicksand. Water sand and gravel content increases, will undoubtedly drip irrigation drip holes caused by plugging. In some areas rich in water resources on the ground, drip irrigation mainly by water within the canal, which also contains many sizes ranging from inorganic impurities. These are blocking the culprit.
Solutions: For inorganic impurities more water, to prevent plugging should strengthen the water filter. In the water at the installation of large-scale filtration equipment, in each greenhouse farmers need to install the operation of strong monomer filtration system. Such as sand and gravel filter, laminated, mesh filter combination, water quality can be achieved using the standard drip irrigation. If it is found that blocking the situation occurred in the plug hole through the hole at the same time, we should open a capillary to improve the water pressure to clean the impurities in the capillary.

2. Organic impurities
For some of the chemical fertilizers or other substances contaminated shallow wells or river ditches, organic impurities in the water is one of the reasons caused by blocking the eyes. In addition, if the use of drip irrigation process, the fertilizer is not used after the completion of adequate water rinse, can easily cause a variety of algae in the pipeline a large number of breeding, which is blocking the eyes of one of the reasons.
Solutions: choose a good quality of the drip irrigation pipe, to take the black film under the control of irrigation under the film. There are two ways to solve the blocking eyes: First, the use of acid to clean, disinfection can be achieved, inhibition and elimination of algae and microbial effect of water. Commonly used perchloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, use the pH value to 5.5-6.0, treatment must be strictly controlled concentration, to avoid harm to crops. Acid cleaning pay attention to lowering the system irrigation pressure to slow down the flow rate and improve the pickling effect, after the end of rinse with water. The second is the use of specialized sterilization algicide rinse.

3. Water and fertilizer
Use of drip irrigation fertilizer when fertilizer if the solubility is not enough or more impurities, it will cause blocking eyes. However, vegetable farmers also need to pay attention to a problem that is used in some vegetable production areas of groundwater, calcium, magnesium and other metal ion content is high, the carbonate content is high, we usually say the water quality is relatively hard, long-term use in Drip irrigation pipe wall to generate more scale (calcium carbonate, etc.). May also be mixed with chemical fertilizers when the precipitation will occur, resulting in blocking eyes.
Solutions: For water quality hard areas can be used ion exchange water purifier for water treatment. In order to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer blocking the eyes of the situation, farmers should use good quality, high solubility, no residual water-soluble fertilizer. Now with the improvement of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturing process, the use of ion activation technology in the water soluble fertilizer elements more stable, can inhibit the fertilizer and water metal ions reflect precipitation.

Post time: 28-03-2019
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