“If any one part of a spray operation is not working properly, or missing, the overall performance of an application can suffer,” says Gary Esselink, precision marketing specialist for Raven Applied Technology, Sioux Falls, S.D., which offers an integrated package to deliver the best possible spray results.
The renovation project also updated the halls to host community areas, classrooms and Academic Residential Community spaces.
In July, then-recreation supervisor Bob Carpenter was arrested and charged with felony scheming to defraud after police say he pocketed $148,000 from a food vendor and soccer league and stole proceeds from ticket sales. Carpenter pleaded guilty on Monday and is scheduled to be sentenced May 21, according to Pinellas-Pasco circuit spokesman Stephen Thompson.
A high court in western Japan rejected a lawsuit to shut down Shikoku Electric Power Company’s only operating nuclear reactor. A branch of the Yamaguchi District Court denied a legal bid by residents to shut the No. 3 reactor at the Ikata nuclear plant. The 890 MW reactor was restarted on 27 October and is currently running at full capacity. The restart followed a Hiroshima High Court in late September that lifted a 2017 injunction blocking operations at the reactor. Nuclear remains an unpopular energy option in Japan and the country will reboot only a fraction of the 54 reactors it had before the Fukushima disaster in 2011.
This article is a transcript of this conference call produced for The Motley Fool. While we strive for our Foolish Best, there may be errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in this transcript. As with all our articles, The Motley Fool does not assume any responsibility for your use of this content, and we strongly encourage you to do your own research, including listening to the call yourself and reading the company’s SEC filings. Please see our Terms and Conditions for additional details, including our Obligatory Capitalized Disclaimers of Liability.
1 April. Coal India Ltd (CIL) reported a growth of 7 percent in dry fuel production in 2018-19 to 606.9 million tonnes (mt), a shade below the MoU target of 610 mt with the coal ministry. The production was 567.4 mt in FY18. Informing the bourses, the largest coal miner said offtake was at 608.1 mt during the year, a growth of 4.8 percent over the previous fiscal offtake of 580.3 mt of coal. CIL had set an internal aspirational target of 652 mt for the year, but could not go closer to it as things did not fructify as perceived. CIL scaled a new peak in production in the month of March 2019 producing 79.19 mt – the highest so far in a month since inception. Supply to power sector was 488 mt which is 7 percent higher than the figure of 2017-18. The pithead coal stock stood at 54 mt and cumulative stock at power plants stood at 30.41 mt are sufficient to meet the demand, the company said.
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The Fluor-JGC consortium was awarded the main EPC contract for LNG Canada by Shell in April last year, with the Japanese player expected to be largely responsible for engineering the process modules and its US partner handling engineering for the other modules, sources said.
The department uses a special revenue fund of about $200,000 to pay for upfront concert and festival expenses, like deposits for performers. It is replenished with revenues the department collects, like ticketing and concessions. The balance fluctuates throughout the year but the mandate is for Parks and Recreation officials to manage the fund so they don’t need to ask the City Council for more money, Finance Director Jay Ravins said.
That’s why, in the name of beauty, we decided to assemble our list of the best at-home hair dyes currently available. And while we really like L’Oréal Paris Excellence Cream Hair Color, you should also check out the other hair products on our list, along with our reasons for choosing them.
Each BISEP was then subject to a test regime to independently test both the primary and secondary seals with full pipeline pressure, the cavity between the seals (annulus) was vented to ambient and verified as a zero-energy zone, providing double block and bleed isolation. Once the test regime was complete, an Isolation Certificate was issued to notify all parties of the safe isolation of the pipe section. Utilising the integrated offtakes on the BISEP launcher, nitrogen was injected into the isolated pipeline between the set BISEPs to purge and depressurise the pipeline prior to cutting and removing the required section. The BISEPs then remained in the pipeline for over seven months while construction activities including welding were conducted behind the BISEPs without the use of traditional secondary barriers (gas bags) to tie-in the newly laid pipelines. During this time the seal annulus on both BISEPs were monitored and remained leak-tight. Gas production was maintained through the temporary bypass line ensuring no shutdown or interruption to gas supply.
Old ramblers often have stairwells with nothing covering the top; you could fit an entire family into this space. It looked fine in the attic until I pulled the insulation away to show that this area was completely open.
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